Project management
Completed project kick-off meeting and two-hour planning meeting with Andy Cunningham and University Marketing (UMark) Web team. Meeting outcomes:
- identified project planning tools/document repositories
- provided Andy with all background information and answered/clarified roles
- clarified the role of University Marketing web team and how their work will integrate with the overall project
- began identifying detailed project scope for phase I (fall launch)
- agreed to regular meeting schedules with project team
Discovery 2.0. Completed meetings with:
- RPSE (July 2)
Site navigation
The team continued work on identifying the site navigation for the School “hub” site. The team met twice with UMark to share input and ideas.
Resource allocation
Finalized scope of work for University Marketing. UMark will provide custom design and development for the “hub” site. The School team will write and secure approvals for content. UMark will conduct accessibility checks and quality assurance.
Internal communication planning
We are developing an internal communication plan to help with change management and to keep key stakeholders informed. In addition to targeted emails and face-to-face communication, project information and status updates will be shared on this website.
Up Next
- Continue conversations regarding proposed phase 1 scope
- Define high-level preliminary schedule for phase 1
- Review University Marketing proposal and refine as needed
- Finish internal communication and stakeholder engagement plan
- Schedule Discovery 2.0 meetings with Education Policy Studies, MERIT, and Student Diversity Programs.