Students should select 2-4 additional courses in one of the areas of concentration. Examples of courses that meet the requirements of the Minor and Certificate Program are listed below. Courses required for a student’s major area of study may be counted toward the Certificate Program but not the PhD Minor. Other courses can be recommended by students or faculty and are subject to the approval of the steering committee. The steering committee will review the syllabus for significant prevention and intervention content. Courses taken for the Minor (and major area of study) can be applied to the Certificate. All courses are listed by title (course number, semester offered).
For a current list of approved courses, click here.
Interventions in Social Services, Health, and Education
Health Promotion and Diseases Prevention in Diverse Communities (N702, every semester)
Child Welfare (SW 921, F)
Preventive Health Care for Children and Adolescents (Nursing 745, F)
Social Policy
Seminar in Child Development (Ed Psy 920, F)
Social Policy (SW 952, F)
Seminar in Education and Social Policy (Ed Policy 920)
Bridging the Gap Between Research and Action (HDFS 872, F)
Family Policy in the Contemporary United States (HDFS 843)
Family and Community Studies
Couple Relationships: Theory, Research & Program Implications (HDFS 766, F)
Youth Development in Community and Policy Contexts (HDFS 736)
Family Care Across the Life Span (SW 866, S)
Advanced Seminar in Family Stress and Coping (HDFS 869)
Family Process, Health and Illness (Nursing 713, F)
Multivariate Analysis (Ed Psych 862, F)
Evaluation Research (SW 953, S)
Qualitative Methodology (Soc 955, S)
Qualitative Methods of Studying Children and Contexts (C&I 726)
Benefit-Cost Analysis (Pub Aff 881, S)
Community-Based Research, Evaluation and Consultation (HDFS 766, F)
Interpretive Approaches to Health Care Resources (N701, every semester)
Courses Not Yet Approved
Students and their advisors may identify courses not listed above that may be relevant to their study. The Steering Committee invites appropriate requests, and will review them according to set criteria. You may download the criteria used for approving courses by clicking below.