Two core courses are required of all students seeking the PhD Minor or Graduate Certificate. It is recommended that the courses be taken beginning in the second year of a student’s graduate program after introductory courses in theory and a substantive area have been taken in the home department. The six participating units rotate teaching of each course; it is offered in different departments in different years. Courses are sometimes co-taught by two faculty, each from one of the six participating units. The core courses are listed below.
Prevention Science (3 credits; cross-departmental, 880)
This course provides an interdisciplinary overview to prevention theory, research, and practice. A common core of concepts, methods, and terminology is presented. Although topics vary, examples of issues covered in past courses include are health risks such as malnutrition, school failure, delinquency, child abuse and neglect, and family and community-based interventions designed to counteract risk factors and promote healthy development. This course is typically offered during the fall semester.
Capstone Seminar in Prevention Service (1 credit, 881)
A follow-up to the Prevention Science core course. Participating and interested students, faculty, scholars, and professionals discuss their work and emerging issues in the field. This monthly two-hour seminar introduces students to faculty and staff from across campus professionals in the community. This course is typically offered each spring, and students should take the course at or near the end of their minor program.