Breathing Exercise – All 4
Foot Opener in chair
Seated Cat Cow 3xs
(take out block)
Seated Knee to Chest with hands
Ankle Rotation
Unsupported Leg Stretch
Repeat other side:knee up, rotation straight leg & Unsupported
(Standing, chair at back of mat)
Down Dog with Chair – Walk the Dog
(Chair at side of mat, back facing in)
Chair Pulsate from standing to chair 3 times, hold on 3rd time for 3 breaths
Walk the Legs Out
Dancer Non-balancing arm alongside leg that is behind for core strength
High Lunge Straight Leg 3xs High lunge arm to right, vision to right, Straight leg arm overhead, vision straight ahead
Balancing Knee Lift left hand at chair, right arm to sky
Reverse Warrior
Walk the legs out
Standing Twist very mild
Standing Crescent Side Stretch pulsate with breath, up and down follow vision BS 3xs
(Standing, chair at back of mat)
Wide Leg Forward Fold Step out and in like a big T Walk feet in (still in fold)
Seated Cat Cow 3xs